Male, 308 weeks old (11/16/18)
    Adult Weight 1 - 1 lbs.
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Poodle Puppies for Sale in Ohio

Ranked second smartest behind the border collie, poodles come in standard, miniature, Klein, teacup and toy sizes. Some argue the breed originated in Germany, while others say it’s a descendant of the French barbet breed. Poodles frequently reign supreme at both the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and in agility competitions across the globe. From singer Billie Holiday to President Richard Nixon, a variety of celebrities and families have enjoyed the friendship of this curly companion.

Breed Characteristics

Poodles are pups with regal attitudes and impressive hairdos, and their intelligence makes them easy to train. They also make extremely affectionate and eager-to-please family dogs. They range in color from white, black, brown, silver and many colors in between. Teacup poodles are the smallest, rarely weighing more than 2 pounds, while the standard poodle can weigh as much as 70 pounds.

Highly energetic, poodles enjoy staying busy. From swimming to chasing toys, poodles enjoy all types of play and are ideal pets for individuals who like to get out and explore nature. They tend to adapt well to any sort of home as long as they have adequate exercise throughout the day. If you’re considering adding a poodle to your family, check out the available puppies at Puppies Online.


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