Male, 308 weeks old (11/16/18)
    Adult Weight 1 - 1 lbs.
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Boston Terrier Puppies for Sale in Ohio

Indicative of its name, the Boston terrier originated in Boston in 1870, when a man named Robert C. Hooper purchased a small dog named Judge. The dog was a mix between a bulldog and a bull terrier. Eventually known as Hooper’s Judge, this dog is in the lineage of nearly every Boston terrier to date.

Breed Characteristics

Most commonly recognized by their big round eyes and tuxedo-like coloring, the Boston terrier is a lively little dog that’s full of energy. They typically weigh no more than 25 pounds and stand about 17 inches tall, and they have short, wide and flat heads. They are gentle with a friendly personality, but they can be protective of their owners.

These cute little dogs make excellent family pets. They get along well with both children and other animals, but they like to be involved with all family activities, so they work best as inside dogs. Also, due to their short nose, they are prone to heatstroke, so care and caution should be given in the summer to prevent overheating. If the Boston terrier sounds like a good fit for your home, browse the selection of puppies at Puppies Online.


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